Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Why am I angry?

#Solidarityisforwhitewomen highlights many of the ways feminism as it is currently, has a bias towards addressing issues that affect white women, and doesn’t really address issues affecting WoC. Libby Anne points out some highlights. I agree and think this is an important topic to address if we want to grow and improve, both individually and as a philosophy and movement.

So why am I angry reading this? And why am I angry with critiques of liberals’/progressives’ privilege? I agree, so why am I angry reading about it? I’m angry with the people who don’t see or don’t care about their privilege, yes, but that’s not what this is. This is anger at the people pointing it out. Why? I know they’re correct; I actively look for and try to check my own privilege; I read about these problems deliberately; in some cases, they’re saying things I’m already aware of. I want these issues exposed. So why am I angry at them?

Other people who don’t want to admit they have privilege get angry when these issues are raised. They don’t like thinking they’re part of a social system that treats people differently; that they’re contributing to racism, sexism, etc.; that they may not have “earned” everything they have in life; that their experiences are not, or should not be, the default. But the issues still need to be raised and the deniers’ anger about it dealt with. Maybe if someone could figure out why I’m angry when I do care and want to know and even already do know, maybe that will help find a way to approach other people’s rejection of and anger about the problems and move forward.

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